Monday, July 26, 2010

Haha! Silly Hipsters.

So I have a Pitchfork-related poem I'm hoping to post soon, but Terra Dankowski over at Graph Factory has apparently done me one better with this. Check out her blog. It's pretty cool.


Terra Dankowski said...
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Terra Dankowski said...

Yo, I never thanked you for this. I'm charmed. If only you liked mariachi bands; I'd have a sensible way to repay you.

Alfonso Mangione said...

Hahaha! Damn mariachi bands. Seriously, your blog rocks; my friend Liz showed it to me and I've been reading it pretty regularly--which I rarely do with blogs. Nice work!

Terra Dankowski said...

Who's Liz? Can I thank her too?

Is your Pottersville book any good? Should I buy it or borrow a copy from you?

Alfonso Mangione said...

Hmm. "Pottersville" is decent, but a little long-winded. I'm much, much, much happier with the one I'm polishing up right now. And Liz is a barista friend of mine who works at New Wave. Actually, she does a lot of other stuff too, and I dated her sister long ago, so that's how I know her, but New Wave might be how you know her.